Holi is a Hindu festival celebrated in India and Nepal, also known as the "festival of colours".
The colorful festival of Holi is celebrated on Phalgun Purnima which comes in February end or early March. Holi festival has an ancient origin and celebrates the triumph of 'good' over 'bad'. The colorful festival bridges the social gap and renew sweet relationships. On this day, people hug and wish each other 'Happy Holi'.
Holi is also known in some states as Doljatra, or Dola Purnima and is a holiday in 2017 on March 12th in: Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal.
History of Holi :
Holi was originally a festival to celebrate good harvests and fertility of the land, but is now a symbolic commemoration of a legend from Hindu Mythology.
The story is that there was once a king who resented his son, Prince Prahlada, worshipping Lord Vishnu. He tries to murder the prince on several occasions but fails each time.
Finally, the king's sister Holika who is said to be immune to burning, sits with the boy inside a fire. However, the prince emerges unhurt, while his aunt burns in the fire and dies.