Buddha Jayanti

Buddha Jayanti in 2017
10th may (wednesday)

Buddha Purnima during Vaishakha month is celebrated as birth anniversary of Gautama Buddha. Gautama Buddha whose birth name was Siddhartha Gautama was a spiritual teacher on whose teachings Buddhism was founded.

The time of Gautama Buddha’s birth and death is uncertain. However, most historians date his lifetime between 563-483 B.C. Most people consider Lumbini, Nepal as birth place of Buddha. Buddha died at the age of 80 at Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh.

For Buddhists, Bodh Gaya is the most important pilgrimage site related to the life of Gautama Buddha. The other three important pilgrimage sites are KushinagarLumbini, and Sarnath. It is believed that Gautama Buddha obtained Enlightenment at Bodhagaya and he first taught the Dharma at Sarnath.

In the month of Vaishakh the birthday of Gautam Buddha is celebrated. He is considered the ninth avatar of Vishnu. 

Gautam Buddha "lived and died in about the fifth century before the Christian era." The number of Buddhists in the world ranges "from less than two hundred million, to more than five hundred million, with the lower number closer to reality."